Successful landing of chandrayan-3

ISRO’s Chandrayan-3 successfully landed on a designated region on the surface of the moon with the blessings of 140 crore people. The spacecraft safely landed on the lunar south pole at 6.04 p.m., which was as per plan.

Establishment of communication

The communication link between the chandrayan-3 lander and MOX-ISTRAC, Bengaluru has been established.

With some images of surface shared by Chandrayan-3


Experts fear

According to experts, it was assumed that the last 15 to 20 minutes would be a highly crucial time for the lander when it was descending. Also it was complicated period for lander because chandrayan 2 was failed during this crucial time, that’s why this automatic landing sequence system was a matter of discussion.

ALS phases

The automatic landing sequence (ALS) was performed by Chandrayan-3 in 4 phases.

Rough Braking Phase

In this phase, the lander will decrease its velocity from approximately 6000km per hour to near zero for a soft landing. This descent covered an altitude of 30 km to 7 km.

Altitude hold phase

In this phase, the lander will change its horizontal position to a vertical position to descend vertically on the lunar surface. This phase decreased the height from 7 km to 6.2 km.

Fine braking phase

This phase took around 175 seconds to descend from a height of 6.2 km to 0.8 km.

Terminal descent

This was the final stage of descending the last 800 meters, where the lander will drop down on the moon’s surface.

Less than a week after a comparable Russian lander crashed, India’s space prowess received a major boost when the LM, which included the lander (Vikram) and the 26 kg rover (Pragyan), made a smooth landing near the south pole region of the Moon at 6:04 pm.

After the US, China, and the former Soviet Union, India is now the fourth nation to have mastered the science of soft-landing on the lunar surface thanks to this touchdown on the moon in its second attempt in four year.

Tweet from ISRO

Isro has tweeted below

Prime minister Narendra Modi also tweeted by congratulating the ISRO team

Failure phase of Chandrayan-2

In the year 2019 chandrayan-2 has successfully descended its first phase( Rough Braking Phase) during landing. But during altitude hold phase the lander could not successfully changed its direction from horizontal to vertical. Due to some internal problems the chandrayan-2 couldn’t communicated with ISRO during fine braking phase and leads to crash on surface of moon. Reason for failure can be complex algorithm on lander, low thrust power of lander and little landing place etc are considered.

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