Closure of Afghanistan’s Embassy in New Delhi

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Deepfake threats: Safeguard Yourself with 8 Protective Measures

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Uttarakhand tunnel accident news

Lucknow, India (AP) – In a race against time, rescue operations are underway in northern India to extricate 40 workers trapped for over two days beneath the debris of a collapsed tunnel in Uttarakhand. The incident occurred on Sunday in the mountainous state, known for its Hindu temples, as a part of the Chardham all-weather … Read more

Gaganyaan Mission

The Gaganyaan Mission reached a critical milestone on October 21, 2023, clearing the way for India’s first human spaceflight mission. The Test Vehicle – Demonstration 1 (TV-D1) launch from Sriharikota was a turning point moment, verifying the mission’s critical motors. The purpose of the test was to investigate the safety of the crew module and … Read more

Gaganyaan’s Preparatory Demonstrator Missions

Integral to the Gaganyaan project’s success are the preparatory demonstrator missions, strategically designed to validate and showcase the technological preparedness required for human spaceflight. These precursor missions serve as crucial stepping stones, ensuring the safety and reliability of all systems before embarking on the historic manned mission. The Integrated Air Drop Test (IADT) stands out … Read more

Gaganyaan Project: Aiming for the Stars

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Mahua Moitra Controversies

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Smishing attack: 7 examples with protection guide

Smishing attack is one of the most common forms of cybercrime, which has become a chronic threat in our increasingly digital society. As technology advances, hackers and scammers skillfully use the faith and dependence we place on our devices to steal money and personal information. Smishing, a combination of “SMS” (short messaging service) and “phishing,” involves scammers sending false text messages to unsuspecting people in order to trick them into installing malware, disclosing sensitive information, or even transferring money to cybercriminals.

Understanding Smishing

Smishing, a type of social engineering, takes advantage of people’s familiarity and trust in text messaging. Criminals pose as trustworthy institutions such as banks, service providers, or well-known companies, and write urgent-sounding SMS to compel victims to act quickly. These texts frequently contain malware links or drive users to bogus websites that are carefully made to look like authentic organisational pages, duping victims into disclosing personal information.

Mechanisms of Smishing Attacks

The main mode of operation of smishing is similar to other phishing strategies, with the exception of the use of SMS or messaging apps as the principal channel for criminality. This strategy is gaining popularity since text messages have greater click-through rates than emails. Perpetrators take advantage of this behaviour and use a variety of ways to conceal their identity, such as utilising burner phones to fake numbers or sending messages over email, making it difficult to distinguish harmful links on mobile devices. Bring-your-own-device (BYOD) and remote work configurations amplify risks by allowing cybercriminals to access company networks using employees’ smartphones.

Smishing attack

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Examples of Smishing Scams

Scammers use numerous guises to commit smishing schemes, such as acting as financial organisations, government entities, customer service, shipping firms, or even someone’s boss or colleague. Scammers create scenarios that use emotions and trust to trick victims into disclosing personal information or conducting financial transactions. Scammers, for example, pose as banks alerting users to account issues, government organisations offering advantages, or customer care staff claiming account problems, leading victims to false websites where sensitive data is stolen.

Pretending to be a Financial Institution:

Scammers pose as the victim’s bank, alerting them to a fictitious account issue through a fake notification. Clicking the provided link leads victims to a counterfeit website or app designed to steal sensitive financial information such as PINs, login credentials, and banking details. Notably, scammers previously exploited this method to steal $100,000 from Fifth Third Bank customers.

Pretending to be the Government:

Scammers masquerade as police officers, IRS representatives, or other governmental figures, claiming the victim owes a fine or must take action to claim a supposed government benefit. During the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Federal Trade Commission warned of smishing attacks offering tax relief or free COVID tests, leading victims to share social security numbers and other data for identity theft purposes.

Pretending to be Customer Support:

Impersonating customer support agents at reputable brands like Amazon, Microsoft, or wireless providers, these scams suggest problems with the victim’s account, unclaimed rewards, or refunds. The fraudulent texts direct victims to fake websites aimed at stealing credit card or banking information.

Pretending to be a Shipper:

These messages allege to originate from shipping companies like FedEx or UPS, informing the victim of a delivery issue. They request a “delivery fee” payment or account sign-in to rectify the problem. Scammers exploit this common occurrence, especially around the holiday season when many are expecting packages.

Pretending to be a Boss or Colleague:

In a business text compromise, scammers pretend to be a boss, coworker, or vendor needing urgent help. Victims are coerced into immediate actions, often involving transferring money to the scammers.

Pretending to Text the Wrong Number:

Scammers initiate texts seemingly intended for someone else. Once victims engage, the scammers begin a long-term conversation, often building a faux friendship and trust, ultimately aiming to swindle the victim through fake investment opportunities or loan requests.

Pretending to Offer Free Apps:

Some smishing scams entice victims into downloading seemingly legitimate apps, which are, in reality, malware or ransomware in disguise.

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Distinguishing Smishing from Other Phishing Tactics

Smishing is a type of phishing that, like vishing (voice phishing), uses social engineering to trick people into disclosing private information or falling victim to criminality. While phishing relies on emails, vishing relies on voice interactions such as phone calls and voicemails. Smishing, on the other hand, relies only on text messages or SMS to carry out its fraudulent actions.

Smishing attack

Combating an Increase in Smishing Attacks

Experts predict an increase in smishing attacks in the future years, with hackers likely to take advantage of the expansion of multichannel phishing, combining text, email, phone calls, and other methods to capture victims. Various remedies, such as mobile cybersecurity solutions incorporated into operating systems and increased security awareness training, can help individuals and organisations spot warning indications and handle critical information.

Protective Measures Against Smishing Attacks

  • Be Wary of Unsolicited Messages: Avoid engaging with unexpected or unsolicited texts, especially those requesting personal or financial information or urging immediate action. If you didn’t initiate the conversation or are uncertain about the sender’s identity, refrain from responding.
  • Avoid Clicking Suspicious Links: Refrain from clicking on links embedded in text messages, especially from unknown or unverified sources. These links might direct you to fraudulent websites designed to steal personal information or install malware on your device.
  • Install Trusted Security Software: Implement reputable mobile security solutions and ensure all your devices have the latest updates and patches. This software can aid in identifying and blocking potential threats, offering an additional layer of defense against smishing attacks.
  • Exercise Caution with Personal Information: Never share sensitive information like banking details, passwords, or personal data via text messages unless you’re certain about the recipient’s identity and have initiated the conversation.
  • Verify Requests: If you receive a text message claiming to be from a financial institution or service provider, take the extra step to independently verify the legitimacy of the message. Contact the organization directly through their official website or phone number to confirm the request’s authenticity.
  • Educate Yourself and Others: Stay informed about the tactics used in smishing attacks and educate friends, family, and colleagues about the risks and preventive measures. Awareness and caution are powerful tools in preventing falling victim to smishing scams.
  • Opt for Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Enable two-factor authentication whenever possible. This extra layer of security can thwart unauthorized access even if a scammer manages to obtain your login credentials.
  • Exercise Skepticism and Vigilance: Be mindful of the urgency or pressure conveyed in text messages. Scammers often create a sense of urgency to manipulate victims. Verify the authenticity of the message and avoid making impulsive decisions.
  • Report Suspected Smishing Attempts: If you receive a suspected smishing message, report it to the relevant authorities or your service provider. Reporting such incidents can contribute to their databases and help in preventing similar scams in the future.
  • Regularly Monitor Financial Accounts: Routinely monitor your bank accounts, credit cards, and other financial accounts for any unauthorized or suspicious activity. In case of any unusual transactions, immediately report them to your financial institution


In the face of increasing smishing attacks, our primary defence is vigilance and knowledge. Understanding scammers’ strategies, recognising suspicious messages, and putting strong security measures in place are critical for protecting against these developing cyber threats. As technology advances, our preparedness and awareness will be critical in outwitting cybercriminals. Stay aware and vigilant, and together we can protect our digital environment against the dangers of smishing.

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