Chandrayaan-3 latest update: a step ahead for soft landing

Launch of chandrayan 3
Satellite and our planet

On Thursday 17 Aug 23 ISRO declared that successful detachment of Vikram lander from propulsion module which wents one step ahead for successive soft landing in moon’s polar region.

Vikram lander is carrying Pragyan rover which will conduct chemical investigation of moon’s surface. On successful landing of Vikram lander will make India the fourth country after United States, Russia and China.On tweeter platform, ISRO posted on behalf of Vikram lander,” thanks for the ride, mate!”. If according to mission everything goes well then lander is planned to soft land near polar region of moon between 23 and 24 Aug.

On tweeter platform, ISRO posted on behalf of Vikram lander,” thanks for the ride, mate!”. If according to mission everything goes well then lander is planned to soft land near polar region of moon between 23 and 24 Aug.

Indian mission to moon


India’s first mission to moon launched from SDSC, Sriharikota successfully. The space craft was orbiting at a height of 100 km distance from moon surface, Aim of satellite was to analysis for chemical, mineralogical and photo geological mapping of moon.

Short details of chandrayan-1

Launch Mass1380 kg
Mission life24 yrs
Power700 watt
Launch vehicle PSLV-C11
Applicationplanetary observations
Last contact28 Aug 2009


Chandrayan 2 was second lunar exploration mission developed by ISRO after Chandrayan-1, was a complex mission comprised an orbitor, landor and rover. Mission designed to expand the lunar scientific knowledge through detailed study of topography, seismograph studies, mineral identification and distribution, surface chemical composition, thermo physical characteristics of top soils leading to a new understanding of the origin and evolution of the moon.

On 14 Aug 2019 chandrayan-2 was launched successfully from earth and on 20 Aug 2019 chandrayan-2 was successfully inserted into lunar orbit. While orbiting on moon at a 100 km lunar point orbit, on 02 Sep 2019 Vikram lander was separated from the propulsion module in preparation for soft landing. Landing of Vikram lander was going as planned and normal performance was observed upto an altitude of 2.1 km after that due to some internal problems communication from lander to ground station was lost unfortunately after that lander and rover crashed on the surface.

Short details of chandrayan-2

Mission lifeOrbitor- 7 yr
lander& rover- 14 days
Poweroribtor- 1000 watt,
Vikram lander -650 watt,
rover-50 watts
Launch Mass3850 kg
Launch vehicle LVM3 M1
ApplicationAbility to soft-land and operate a robotic rover on the lunar surface.
Last contact 06 sep 2019(Mission failed)

Chandrayan 3

Satellite image
Satellite and our planet

A lot modified from chandrayan-2, chandrayan-3 launched from Satish Dhawan space centre, Sriharikota on Friday, 14 Jul 2023 at 02.35 PM. This is the third attempt for soft landing in unexplored part of lunar surface in South polar region.

Short details of chandrayan-3

Launch Date14 Jul 2023
Landing Date23 Aug 2023
Launch massTotal-3900 kg
propulsion module -2148 kg,
Lander- 1752 kg(including rover 26 kg)
PowerPropulsion module -758w
Lander module- 736w
Bias rover -50 watt
RocketLVM3 M4
Landing siteLunar south pole

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