Celebrating Rashtriya Ekta Diwas

Celebrating Rashtriya Ekta Diwas 2023 on behalf of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel as an example of Architect of Indian Unity.

India is a nation rich in customs and culture, and it commemorates a number of religious holidays that show how diverse but united the nation is. From the Ganesh Festival to Navratri, Eid, Christmas, Navroz, and Lohri, these festivities highlight the harmony of the country, as people from all backgrounds come together to share in the customs and joys of one another’s beliefs. This blending of cultures is an homage to Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel’s inspirational leadership, who was instrumental in bringing the nation together during its independence.

Tribute to Unity on Rashtriya Ekta Diwas

Each year on October 31, Rashtriya Ekta Diwas is observed to honour Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel’s birth anniversary. This day honours his significant contribution to India’s unification, highlighting national integration,unity and patriotism among the nation’s diverse population.

India’s Iron Man, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel

Known by many as the “Iron Man of India,” Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel is a legendary figure in Indian history. His extraordinary vision, persistence, and leadership were crucial in convincing more than 562 princely kingdoms to join the Republic of India, uniting the dispersed areas into a single, cohesive country.

Rashtriya Ekta Diwas’ Historical Significance

India remained split up into many princely states after independence, each with its own monarch. Sardar Patel’s persistent efforts to persuade these states to come together were evidence of his diplomatic skill. He became known as the “Iron Man” of India because of his ability to persuade others, which resulted in the seamless merger of these states.

Honouring India’s Unity

Rashtriya Ekta Diwas is observed to honour Sardar Patel’s memory as well as to advance the ideals of unity and national integration. It serves as an important reminder of India’s rich cultural diversity, customs, and the enduring link that unites its people. The celebration highlights the values of integrity, patriotism, and the heritage of Sardar Patel’s dream of an India united.

Rashtriya Ekta Diwas Initiatives and Activities

Run For Unity:

To raise awareness of Sardar Patel’s contribution to the integration of India’s several states, running events such as “Run For Unity” are planned all around the country. This programme fosters a sense of solidarity and pride in the country among the populace.

Statue of Unity Unveiling:

In honour of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, Gujarat hosted the 2018 unveiling of the Statue of Unity, the world’s tallest statue standing at 182 metres. It serves as a reminder of his vision and efforts to bring the country together.

Educational Activities:

To teach students about Sardar Patel’s significant contribution to India’s unity, schools and educational institutions hold quiz contests and other educational events.

Floral Tributes:

In observance of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel’s contribution to India’s unity, people from all over the nation place flowers at the statues and memorials honouring him.

Awareness and Campaigns on Social Media

To raise awareness of Rashtriya Ekta Diwas, social media sites like Instagram and Twitter are used. To raise awareness of the importance of this day, people can participate in quizzes, share educational materials, and share motivational slogans.

Slogans for Rashtriya Ekta Diwas

Vibrant slogans are disseminated among citizens to encourage togetherness and motivation in both Hindi and English. The messages of solidarity and togetherness are echoed by slogans like “United We Stand, Divided We Fall!” and “Sardar Patel ke sapno ko sakar karein, Ek Bharat, Shreshth Bharat!”

Educational Resources and Books about Sardar Patel

Inclusion in School Curriculum: An important part of Indian history is the life of Sardar Patel and his critical role in uniting India. Many educational establishments incorporate chapters honouring his life into history and civics textbooks, making sure that young students understand the significance of his enormous contributions to the country.

Numerous courses, conferences, and academic publications focus on different facets of Sardar Patel’s life, his abilities as a leader, and the difficult process of uniting the princely republics. The goal of these academic publications and seminars is to offer a thorough grasp of his visionary leadership and deft diplomacy.

Books on Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel:

  • “B.R. Nanda’s “Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel: An Iron Man of India”: An important book that provides a thorough examination of Patel’s political career, his friendship with Mahatma Gandhi, and his ceaseless attempts to bring the princely kingdoms together.
  • “India’s Iron Man: Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel” by Vinay Bharat-Ram: A perceptive biography that offers a closer look at the Iron Man of India by examining Patel’s personal life in addition to his political accomplishments.
  • V.P. Menon’s book “The Integration of the Indian States”: Although not a biography, Menon—a close associate of Sardar Patel—gives a first-hand account of the difficult and complex process of uniting India’s princely states into a single nation, driven by Patel’s vision and resolve.
  • The curriculum item “Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel: An Iron-willed Leader”: This book, which is meant to be used in schools, tries to provide young readers an understanding of Sardar Patel’s life and accomplishments while also providing insights into his leadership abilities and role in India’s unification.

Inspiring Future Leaders:

Aspiring leaders can draw inspiration from Sardar Patel’s life story, which highlights the value of vision, diplomacy, and strong leadership. His life is frequently used as a case study by academic institutions and leadership development programmes to motivate upcoming leaders.

  • Encouraging National Unity: Sardar Patel’s ideal of a united India is frequently emphasised in educational materials on him, emphasising the value of unity amidst diversity. It is essential to building pupils’ sense of unity and pride in their country.
  • Relevance in Political and Historical Studies: Patel’s contributions are thoroughly discussed in courses pertaining to politics, history, and government at the postsecondary level. Scholars and professors frequently use his life and accomplishments as a reference to comprehend the mechanics of governance and nation-building.


Rashtriya Ekta Diwas is an occasion to honour Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel for his tireless efforts in bringing the several princely republics of India together to form the contemporary nation. Inspiring people to preserve the ideals of unity, integrity, and patriotism will help to preserve the spirit of a united India. This event highlights the importance of unity in diversity and the legacy of Sardar Patel’s vision.

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