BRICS summit 2023: Modi & XI to de- escalate border issue

BRICS summit 2023

The 15th annual BRICS summit, where Modi and XI met, which took place in Johannesburg and was attended by the heads of state or governments of the five member states of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, was held in 2023.

Expansion of BRICS

In an effort to restructure the world order, the leaders of the BRICS group announced on Thursday that six more nations will join the group starting in 2019.

Argentina, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and the United Arab Emirates will become full members of the BRICS on January 1 following an agreement made at their annual meeting.

Modi and Jinping discussed to de escalate border issue

Modi and XI’s discussion

At the BRICS conference in Johannesburg in 2023, Modi and Jinping discussed defusing the border situation. Jinping was invited to a meeting by Modi, who also brought up the matter of continuous border tensions between China and India, particularly in the Ladakh region. According to the report, both commanders have decided to defuse the situation and send the troops home.

Border issue: brief history

Ladakh region has been a source of contention since the Indo-China War, necessitating a protracted force presence from both nations for the previous three years. After the Galwan fight, 20 Indian soldiers and one Chinese soldier tragically died.

Tweet from Chinese embassy

Later, the Chinese embassy in New Delhi tweeted a statement from the foreign ministry stating that President Xi had highlighted the importance of bettering Sino-Indian relations for the two countries’ shared interests as well as the peace, stability, and regional and global growth.It stated that “the two sides should handle the border issue properly and keep in mind the overall goals of their bilateral relations in order to jointly safeguard peace and tranquility in the border region.”

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