Bad effects of watching short videos

Bad effects of watching short videos if we overlook the history of entertainment programs with the time lapse of the last few centuries, we will know that there was decrease of entertainment watch time from century to century giving more importance to short term entertainment.


Before 1900 century: People used to play Opera, drama, and play by some group of people which varied from 5-6 hours to 2-3 days of program.

Old Indian Drama play

After 1900 century: Time duration decreased from day to some hour of enjoyment. Cinema and screens have replaced old traditions in the first few decades of 1900 hours.

Arrival of movies: Television was available to the public in 1936 in London, in 1939 in the US, in 1959 in India and the first satellite TV was introduced in 1990. 3 to 4 hours of movies were played though Television for entertainment.

Arrival of Social media: YouTube in 2005, Facebook in 2004, Twitter in 2006, Snapchat in 2011, Instagram in 2010, and short video platforms like tik tok, have come in the second decades of the 21st century.


All platforms were prompted to compete with one another for a stronger public identity. The length of entertainment programming is down from three days for a theater play to three hours for a movie to 30 minutes for youtube videos. The current craze is for short videos, which are defined as films that are between 30 seconds and one minute in length.

The brief movies, which range in length from 30 seconds to one minute, are widely available on practically all platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok, YouTube, and others. Prior to discussing how these brief movies are slowly harming our health, it is important to understand the biological changes that occur when we are enjoying ourselves.

Science of Entertainment

Whenever we see a new thing, hears a joke, meet with our loved ones and found creative things then our body releases various hormones for happiness

  • Dopamine– which plays a role in pleasure, motivation and learning
  • Serotonin – which reduces our depression
  • Endorphins – makes us happy and reduces physical pain.

Secretions of these hormones occur when we find something new like playing games, watching cinema and videos, reading the newspaper.

Short videos

When comparing short videos to other forms of entertainment with a long runtime, such as plays or movies, both are capable of releasing almost the same quantity of dopamine in the brain. If we closely examine both, we’ll find that in 3 hours of film, between 360 and 720 short videos can be seen. But the amazing thing is that we can sit through a three-hour movie without losing interest, but after watching 30 to 40 short films, our minds start to wander. But why do we get upset if all short films are imaginative and capable of making us happy? Let’s learn from the paragraph after this one.

Bad effects of watching short videos

Bad effects of short videos

Let’s first have a quick understanding of our mindset and bodily physiology. A specific quantity of dopamine is produced from the body following a pleasurable experience, making us joyful. The amount of dopamine in our bodies reduces if the same pleasurable experience occurs repeatedly until we see a fresh film. And if we keep watching new videos, our dopamine level will rise along with it. However, because dopamine is a hormone that has a limited shelf life, as its level falls, our minds become disorganized, and the result is that we end up feeling sad and bored.

While watching brief videos may have some short-term benefits, the long-term impacts are likely to be detrimental.Let’s investigate some harmful effects:

Addiction:-Abuse of short films can result in addiction and interfere with daily tasks and interactions in the real world.

Social Comparison: Observing well chosen, romanticized moments in other people’s lives can encourage unfavorable self-comparisons and low self-esteem. Consider envious-inspiring trip vlogs.

Fear of missing out: (FOMO) can develop from observing others’ exhilarating experiences, which can cause worry and dissatisfaction.

Sleep Disruption:- Late-night scrolling through brief videos can cause sleep disruption, which can cause sleep deprivation and mood swings.

Reduced Attention Span: Regular exposure to quick, attention-grabbing content can shorten attention spans and make it challenging to concentrate on tasks.

Time Wastage: Watching too much video can cause procrastination and guilt, which affects productivity and mental health.

Desensitization: Watching brief videos with violent or upsetting content can make people less sensitive and less emotionally healthy.

Eventual effect on family and society

  • Children and viewers (mostly Gen Z) who watch short films repeatedly develop addictions, lose memory, and experience sleep difficulties. They behave violently, angrily, and disrespectfully toward their parents.
  • Addiction drives users to use social media apps continuously for long periods of time. Time is wasted greatly, and social interaction with others is broken.
  • Everybody shares the same physical traits of having their heads bowed, phones in hand, and eyes glued to screens, which were characteristics of Generation Z in both public and private settings.

Also read: Challenges of GenZ


All of these movies and other programs were created to entice viewers to buy products, promote advertisements, and participate in affiliate marketing campaigns. People need to understand what pleasure is and how real it is. Let’s try to comprehend some perspectives on pleasure and how it might be affected for reducing and fully avoiding watching quick videos and other forms of temporary satisfaction.

Purposeful life

Getting a good job and a placement is not the actual purpose of life. Our time should be spent on a quest to our existence and other undiscovered things parallel with doing a job. Social media and other platforms make us feel complete by wasting our time and disconnects us from the real world.

Reality of materialistic world

More capital, more luxury things makes us feel complete for some period not for permanent time. We must be aware of calmness, peaceful mind rather than body pleasure. A Calm mind will give us a healthy life with more stability of mental health.

How to avoid watching short videos

  • Stay connected with people and have more face to face conversation.
  • Watching and scrolling phone screen late night will affect your eyes, will makes you to wear glass(spectate).
  • Create a way to have own happiness, if the day came to survive without phones you can adjust as per that.
  • Do meditation, it will keep your mind stable and will have capable of thinking good.
  • Do have a record before sleeping how many hours you spend with short videos.
  • The more decrease of watching time day by day will make you happy.

We only experience a small portion of the existence of the world; we only know 0.1% of its wisdom. Therefore, there is a lot more to learn. Continue to look for additional information.

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