Challenges of GenZ: cutting off from their parents

Born between 1997 and 2010, Generation Z is on edge of a world that is changing very quickly. They have different difficulties and opportunities because they were raised in the digital age, unlike prior generations. This article explores the key challenges that characterize Generation Z and how they are influencing the future.

The Unique Identity of Gen Z

The digital era is deeply intertwined with the identity of Generation Z. They have grown up with technology, smartphones, and the internet all around them. Unlike prior generations, who witnessed the growth of the civil rights and independence movements, Gen Z has had its identity moulded by the pervasive digital environment.

One such characteristic of Gen Z is climate fear. They have grown up seeing the alarming repercussions of climate change, unlike their forebears, which has increased their awareness of environmental issues.

For Gen Z, financial instability is a major concern. Their economic stability faces particular difficulties due to the rapid speed of technology development and the uncertainty of the global financial landscape. Particularly COVID-19 has made these worries worse.

In short

  • A Digital Upbringing
  • Climate Anxiety
  • Financial Uncertainty
  • The Impact of COVID-19

Mental Health Struggles:

Mental health due to digital world

The mental health of Gen Z is at threat. They frequently have a sense of disconnection from reality due to the digital environment they live in. Social media’s frequent exposure to carefully controlled, idealized lives can cause feelings of inadequacy and meaninglessness.

Many Gen Zs do not practice any religion, which adds to their sense of meaninglessness. When conventional sources of direction are gone, finding purpose becomes extremely difficult.

Surprisingly, Gen Z has higher rates of suicide ideas and attempts. During their school years, which are a time for personal development and exploration, a sizeable percentage of students struggle with these negative thoughts.

In short

  • A Generation in Crisis
  • Digital Disconnect
  • Lack of Religious Belief
  • Suicidal Thoughts and Attempts

Gen Z cutting off their parents

Generation Z is increasingly choosing to lose relationships with their parents in a time of generational transition. Numerous variables can be blamed for this phenomena. Communication problems result from the vast differences between Gen Z and their parents’ attitudes and worldviews that the digital age has created. Additionally, Gen Z’s pursuit of independence and self-identity frequently runs counter to what parents want for their children. Due to the frequency of mental health problems and the need to fit in, Gen Z members may reject traditional family arrangements. Although not all members of Generation Z take this route, it illustrates how modern family structures are changing.

Digital Overload:

For Gen Z, the digital world feels real. This generation spends hours on social media platforms and is guided into an increasingly made-up world by bloggers and influencers. Their prodigious use of social media has increased atheism and agnosticism, which has exacerbated people’s sense of meaninglessness.

As Gen Z chooses digital alternatives in almost every facet of life, from entertainment to shopping, physical inactivity is on the rise. In the long run, this over reliance on digital platforms can have unexpected outcomes.

In short

  • The Reality of the Digital World
  • Social Media’s Influence
  • The Decline of Physical Activity
  • Accessibility vs. Inactivity

Social Pressures and Expectations

Gen Z has turned the classroom into a battleground. Exams with a high level of competition, like NEET and JEE, have grown even more difficult. The stress and sorrow brought on by this pressure to perform well academically might be overpowering.

Gen Z is under a great deal of pressure. They have the challenging task of living up to a culture that consistently demands they perform above average in every sphere of life.

In short

  • The Education Struggle
  • Selective Admissions and Difficult Exams
  • The Impact of Competition

Why Gen Z Matters

It matters that Gen Z is so large. They represent 11% of the overall population of India alone. They will be extremely important in determining the moral and philosophical direction of the country as they develop.

For Gen Z, who frequently work gig or freelance jobs, financial uncertainty is a serious problem. Their connection with employment is shifting as a result of the evolving nature of labor.

With the knowledge and abilities to successfully traverse the digital world, Gen Z is poised to become a technologically sophisticated generation. They are the generation of the twenty-first century, and how well they can adopt and shape technology will be crucial.

In short

  • Gen Z’s Growing Population
  • The Consequences of Unemployment
  • A Technologically Advanced Generation


Digital overstimulation, problems with their mental health, and societal pressures are just a few of the difficulties Generation Z must deal with. However, their capacity for adaptation, technological mastery, and expanding social influence imply that they have the potential to overcome these challenges and create a more promising future. In order to maximize their potential, it will be crucial to comprehend their problems and offer help. Gen Z is a generation of digital natives, and in a world where technology is constantly changing, their journey is only getting started.

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